Friday, December 11, 2015

Blend it all and What do you Get

Sometimes becoming a parent doesn't always happen in the most ideal way. Divorce happens quite frequently these days and remarriages happen which can be a great thing if you know how to make a good transition.


These are from Dr. Popkins as well but it's about becoming a remarried family but it also applies to those adoptive parents.

"What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your stepfamily?"
"Emotional Baggage"

I really liked the emotional baggage part because it starts to explain just how complex things really start to become.

I come from a blended family and I remember when my step-dad became apart of our family and it really kind of threw things off balance for a bit. I was fine with him other than I couldn't sleep with my mom as much as I used too but I realize now how unhealthy our super bonds were. My stepdad had some fears becoming a father and never really felt like we were his I suppose and didn't want to over step my dad (maybe that's why they call it step dad). So we had a relationship but it wasn't really like I could hug him or go to him for things, I just sort of used him at times to get what I wanted. 

a while later they took in my dads niece and recently adopted her as their own. He was a bit more practiced at this point and more comfortable with everything so he was able to develop a really good relationship with her. possible because both of her parents have passed a way by this point. 

After my mission I found it really touching that he was actually was more loving and expressive of his feelings. He apologized for not playing a bigger part and not being able to get close to me like I really could have used. 

In class we watched a music video about a step-dad and it made me cry thinking about my step dad and just my situation in general and how I didn't really ever feel like that. It is a really good video though. 


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